Frequently asked questions.
How do I place an order?
To place an order please select the "Custom Order" tab and complete the order inquiry form to submit your order request.
Do you require a deposit?
A full payment of the order total confirms and holds your order and is due upon receipt of the invoice. Your order is NOT confirmed until a full payment is received. 50% of the payment may be refundable if the order has not been baked.
How much are your cookies?
Please refer to the "Custom Order" tab for more information.
How much notice do I need to give for ordering cookies?
For custom cookies, it is best to place your order as early as possible. We typically book orders 1-2 weeks in advance. If you have any questions regarding availability please click the "Place an Order" tab and we will answer any questions you may have. We request a minimum of two weeks notice for custom cookie orders, but exceptions may be made based on availability.
How are the cookies packaged?
To ensure freshness, all cookies are individually wrapped and heat sealed in cellophane bags. If you would like to add a gift box, please request it at the time your order is placed.
What common allergies are included in your products?
Cookies and cupcakes may contain: Gluten, eggs, dairy, nuts and soy.
Can you provide nut-free or gluten free cookie options?
Not at this time. Unfortunately, Sweet Girl's Bakery does not offer a gluten free or a nut free option at this time.
What flavor are your cookies?
Our base cookies are a delicious vanilla flavor with a vanilla royal icing.
Do you ship?
YES!!!! We currently offer nationwide shipping.